
646 165 803

Repairs without draining the pool neither other structural work

Localization of Water Escapes

To find an escape in a pool it can be a complicate task because it can be from multitude of elements liable of losing water, that's why we count with a large methods and technologies that allow us allow us to locate any type of water leak making a completely analytical and checking of all the pipes or scoring as the glass and the rest of elements of your pool without emptying any drop. See video

Reparation of Water Leaks

When we have the leak located we offer the possibility to make the reparation, in our subaquatic reparation we always look for the effectiveness with the best material and best finished. See video

Check of the Pipes (CCTV)

We have the latest of inspection chamber of pipes with transmitter for small diameter, this is one of the several tools we have, as we can view in real time, take pictures and produce videos with the maximum quality of the inside image from the scoring of your pool that contain or not water. See video

Exact Location of Leaks (Gas)

If your pool leak is located in a pipe, thr next step is to find the exact location of the leak, for that purpose, we have a tracer gas leak location system that working together with a pipe inspection camera system, we can ensure the exact leak location almost in one hundred per cent of the inspections. See video

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Reparation of Pipes without Construction

A lot of times, because of the installation, the pipes because of different reasons can crack so they lose water. To solve this problem we have different methods that allow us to make the reparation without needing to open trenches and don't make construction.

Replacement of Tiles and Paving Stone

The lack of certain spaces of tiles or paving stone and the esthetic issue and others problems can cause cuts to the users, so it's advisable to act soon. We use for your replacement adhesive underwater professional products of high quality that guarantee an attachment and an optimal finished without remove the water of your pool.

Application of junction
For durable attachment and an optimal finished of the gresite it's indispensable that it has to count on junctions. For the application of the countars we have developed a subaquatic product that allow us span big spaces, in not much time. So we can make works of big magnitudes.

Subaquatic cleaning
For those cleaning products that aren't enough to remove the inset, algae and other dirt's that are accumulate in the glass or the rest of elements of your pool, we have different systems and mechanisms that allow us to eliminate any type of dirt in an effective form. See video

See video

Other Services without Emptying

Subaquatic pictures and videos for reports, substitutions of flashlights and mesh strainer, reparations with polyester and any other problem your pool, spa or tank could have. See video

Pool Maintenance

With the intention to give our customers an integral service, we give the possibility to take the maintenance of your pool, as it is from a particular pool as a community one. Holding to keep the installation and the water of your pool always optimal in conditions to use it.

Saline Chlorination of Pools

Pumps... filters... valves... and specially saline chlorinators; as a complement to the pool maintenance service, sometimes we perform this kind of installations in order to cover all pool requirements.

Reparations of Dry Tanks

Our business is alsospecialized in reparations and rehabilitations of dry tanks for those cases where the type of problem of your tank doesn't permit us to repair without emptying it, we have the appropriate way to work without carrying the difficulties of the access to the tank, besides having with the most appropriate material for the restoration.


Barex is an innovative company of Palma de Mallorca. This business is dedicated and specialized in locating water leaks and reparation of pools without necessity of construction and emptying it. In addition, with an experience from more than 10 years we have series of methods, techniques and technologies of lasts generation, so that allows us to carry out any type of reparation or changes in a quickly, comfortable and economical way, saving water and the price of the intervention.

Our company is also pioneering in Mallorca as practically in most nations with establishment of repair techniques of pools piping without necessity of trench, so we can offer to our customers a complete service without construction customers.

Also, we make reparations without emptying tanks, Spas... we work in all Spain but especially in Palma de Mallorca, Menorca, Ibiza and Formentera.

We are qualified professionals.

Some of ours customers:


Ask for information without commitment.

We make budget without commitment.

Possibility to work at nighttime.

Leak detection guaranteed.





